Having a commercial fire extinguisher in your workplace is one of the best ways to keep a fire from spreading or causing injury. However, just having this equipment on the premises isn’t enough. You must also make sure your employees know how to use a fire extinguisher, too. A little bit of training can help everyone make it out safely in the event of a fire. The team at AllFire Services has a few points for you to keep in mind.

  1. Alert the building manager and fire department – While reaching for the fire extinguisher is important, so is alerting the authorities. Notify your building or facilities manager immediately. Pull the fire alarm or call 911 if the fire is out of control. Never hesitate to call the fire department. They’re trained to fight fires in large spaces or multi-floor buildings.
  2. Clear evacuation routes – More importantly, your employees need to evacuate the building quickly and safely. This is why having a fire evacuation plan for your office is crucial. This is also a good reminder that all staff need to keep evacuation routes clear at all times. Being prepared when there’s not a crisis could save lives when one occurs.
  3. Follow PASS – If you or anyone else decides to use a fire extinguisher, use the acronym PASS to remember how to operate it. First, pull the extinguisher’s pin. Then aim the extinguisher’s hose at the base of the fire. Firing at the base is the best way to get it under control. Next, squeeze its handle to release the spray of foam. Finally, sweep the extinguisher from side to side.

To purchase a commercial fire extinguisher or get hands-on training, contact AllFire Services. We’ll even help you develop a plan for fire safety practices at your facility. Call today for service in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.